SALT LAKE CITY — The U.S. Census Bureau’s latest survey of American households shows opposition to the vaccine remains entrenched with significant percentages of the unvaccinated expressing distrust in government and vaccine scientists and varying levels of disbelief in the virus and the threat it presents.
Consistent with earlier polls, the biggest reason given for not getting the vaccine was fear of side effects. 60 percent of unvaccinated Utahns agreed with that as a reason.
45 percent of Utahns said they were waiting to see if the vaccines are safe.
Very small percentages of Utahns still say the vaccine is too hard to get or too costly, suggesting early challenges of education, delivery, and transportation have largely been overcome.
In between those two…between 30 and 41 percent of Utahns give reasons such as distrust of the vaccine and government and not believing Covid-19 is a big threat.
This is the second time we have reported on Utahns’ responses to the Census Household Pulse Survey. Here is a comparison between the U.S. and Utah answers on the latest survey, released on Sept 8, followed by the survey released four weeks ago.
You’ll notice in this graphic, we did not include the “access” questions because very few Utahns offered them as reasons for not getting a vaccine.