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Tax credit available that could increase your refund

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It's tax time and many Utahns don't know that there is a tax credit available that could increase their refund or that they can get free help filing their taxes.

There is a tax benefit available to working people called the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC.

Today only about 1 in 4 hard working Utah families claim their EITC.

If you earned less than $54,000 you could quality for up to $6,557 in EITC tax credits.

Filing your taxes can be confusing and costly, so free tax help is available at more that 70 locations throughout Utah for hardworking families making $56,000 or less.

Trained, IRS-certified volunteers prepare and e-file federal and state tax returns - for free - and ensure taxpayers receive all the tax credits they are entitled too, which included the Earned Income Tax Credit.

For more information go to or call 211 to get free help with filing your taxes and getting your Earned Income Tax Credit.