

School officials encourage improved attendance


Officials with the Murray City School District gave students incentives for improved attendance.

The No Empty Seats Today pep rally was held Wednesday and, with the help of community partners, businesses and the Salt Lake County government, students were given prizes for good attendance.

“We are picking up momentum; it’s county-wide and this is the most exciting effort we’ve had for our Murray schools,” said Deb Ashton with the Murray City School District.

Dr. Steven Hirase, superintendent of the Murray City School District, offered a unique incentive:

“If we have 100 percent attendance, my hair is going to be dyed orange tonight,” he said.

But organizers want to make sure that, amid the fun and games, students hear the main message about the importance of attendance.

“Attend school, attendance matters and that’s what we want we want students here so that they can learn and be academically successful,” said Ashton.

The campaign is being organized by the Commission on Youth, a volunteer board appointed by Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon.

“It is really all about the kids we have in Salt Lake County. We want them to be in school, we want them to be good productive adults when they grow up. It starts right in school; if they start missing school early in life, they’re going to start missing work later in life, so if we can set the tone now for them, that’s exactly what we want to do,” said Corroon.

For more information about the event, visit