

Fireworks banned in unincorporated Salt Lake County


The following is a press release from Salt Lake County.
Mayor Corroon and United Fire Authority (UFA) Chief Michael Jensen requested the Utah Interagency Fire to include the County in its order banning fireworks in all unincorporated areas of the State of Utah.

“The fire danger is extraordinary across the west this year,” said Mayor Corroon. “That means we must take extraordinary steps to protect our communities.”

In addition to the state order for unincorporated Salt Lake County, the Mayor has issued an executive order banning the use of fireworks in county-owned parks, golf courses and facilities throughout Salt Lake County.

Fireworks were already banned in the foothills and canyons surrounding the valley above Wasatch Boulevard on the east bench and west of U-111 on the west bench.

Professional fireworks displays, with the appropriate permits, are allowed throughout the valley.

UFA map with real time updates for fireworks banned areas can be found on the 2012 Fireworks and Open Burn Restrictions Map.