SALT LAKE CITY - With this year's fireworks season in its last week, vendors say sales are down.
The dry weather and deadly wildfires are one of the reasons sales are down, but Matt Shadle who works for Black Cat Fireworks in Sandy says there have been more vendors moving in.
"It's been a tough year. We didn't really see this coming. There's been a tremendous amount of other fireworks vendors who have moved into the state. So the fire work business has been watered down," said Shadle. "Lots of places are really really hurting."
Shadle says Black Cat Fireworks has sold only a third of the fireworks it did last year. There are fewer people buying fireworks and those that do are buying less.
"We actually haven't bought any fireworks this year. Just haven't been into it as much I guess with all the fires," said Alisha Steward, a customer.
The last day to legally light fireworks is July 27. There are restrictions statewide of when and where fireworks can be ignited. For those restrictions, contact your local fire department or visit