

Cooke speaking out against Utah’s health care system


SALT LAKE CITY – Peter Cooke, the Democratic candidate for governor, is speaking out against Utah’s healthcare system.

Cooke held a press conference Thursday saying Utah seniors are under siege from a state government that is taking healthcare in the wrong direction and jeopardizing their benefits when the legislature passed the Health Care Compact.

Cooke says the state will lose $1 billion by 2022 if we continue down this road.

“Why would my opponent ask for less money than 43 other states have already agreed to accept? I dont have an answer,” said Cooke.

Cooke says the shortfall is due to the inflation rate the state used to calculate how much money it needs to operate Medicare in the years ahead and our seniors are now paying the price.

Governor Herbert’s office responded with a statement, saying, “Governor Herbert is a fiscal conservative who knows Utah can do more with less when the state government is in control as opposed to the federal government. Utah has some of the highest quality health care in the nation at the lowest cost.”