OGDEN – Miguel Salgado choked up thinking of the dogs removed from his house one week ago. But says he knows it’s for the best.
“I don't know why I love too much the dogs,” says Salgado.
Last week animal service representatives removed 149 dogs from Salgado’s house on Jefferson Ave. But that left Salgado without a place to live. The Weber County Health Department declared Salgado’s house uninhabitable.
Salgado says he amassed the dogs over the span of a few years. Some were strays, others abandoned by their owners on his property. Without spaying or neutering, the population quickly grew.
“I could give them food,” says Salgado. “What happened is I couldn’t pay the electricity bill.”
He also sold his car to buy dog food. Salgado says he went through 150 pounds of dog food every week.
“His love for these animals is amazing because not only does he want to feed them and take care of them, he also wants them to get good homes,” says Brenda Gordon with Pack ‘N Pounce. They took close to 60 of the dogs. Gordon says almost all of them have permanent homes. Now they want to give Salgado back his home.
“He needs new carpeting, new gloss, semi-gloss paint to seal the walls, seal the floors,” says Gordon. A contractor will assess exactly what is needed. Gordon says they already have hundreds of dollars in donations and a list of volunteers.
Currently Salgado is staying with friends. Gordon says they’re hoping to have Salgado back in his home by Christmas. Donations can be given right to Salgado through Pack ‘N Pounce. Their address is 333 E. 2nd Street #8 Ogden, Utah 84404. Their phone number is 801-710-6440.

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