

12-year-old saves mother’s life with CPR

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ROY, Utah -- A 12-year-old boy saved his mother’s life by performing CPR on her after she collapsed on Friday.

12-year-old C.J. Saulsgiver was playing in the basement of his house when he heard a "boom" then his mother screaming his name. He ran up the stairs to find her lying on the ground, her face purple. He called 911 then began performing CPR while waiting for paramedics to arrive.

C.J. says that if he hadn't taken a CPR class with his family three months ago, the situation could have been much different.

"If I wouldn't have known how to do it, she probably wouldn't be here right now," C.J. said. "Her being here means a lot."

Hospital staff say C.J.'s mother had suffered a heart attack. She is reportedly doing better and was expected to be released from the hospital on Friday.