SALT LAKE CITY --Crowds of people gathered at the All Saints Episcopal Church on Sunday to celebrate Easter Sudanese style.
The celebration featured drums, dancing, traditional Sudanese food and worship services. The public was invited to attend, and the Rev. Scott Hayashi said it was an honor to celebrate Easter with such a diverse crowd.
“We have a number of Sudanese from all over Salt Lake,” he said. “About 10 different tribes are represented here, so this is the gathering of all these different people in one place for one service, and what I hope to get across is nothing more, nothing less, than God's love for them."
Many of those who attended are “Lost Boys of Sudan,” which is a term used to describe groups of more than 20,000 boys who were orphaned or displaced during the Second Sudanese Civil War.
Hayashi said the stories of these Sudanese people’s faithfulness are amazing, and he said it was privilege to worship Christ with them.