

Residents protest possible construction of Davis County freeway


SYRACUSE, Utah – Protesters gathered on Tuesday to fight a possible new freeway that may be built in west Davis County.

Those protesting said they believe the pollution created by the roadway and the homes and farmland destroyed by its construction would negate any positive impact it might have on traffic.

They also said the freeway takes away the opportunity to build boulevards and other streets that could promote foot traffic and business development.

Roger Borgenicht, co-chairperson of Utahns for Better Transportation, said the new roadway promotes a culture too dependent on cars.

“You can build communities that make that kind of behavior happen, or you can build communities that continue to make us auto-dependent for everything we want to do, when the only choice we have is which car to take,” he said.

The decision to build the freeway or not is still some time away. Utah Department of Transportation officials said they will release an environmental impact statement on two proposed routes, and they said they may not build a freeway in the area at all.

The decision will be made after public hearings are held, and a decision isn’t anticipated until next year.