SALT LAKE CITY – A man moving across the country saw a dog suffering on a Navajo reservation, so he cleaned the dog up, gave him some food, wrapped him in a blanket and brought him to Salt Lake City.
The dog was dropped off at the Humane Society, but because of his health issues and back legs being in bad condition, an employee is taking the dog home to nurse him back to life.
When the dog is able to be adopted out, the Humane Society doesn’t think it will be difficult finding a family.
“That’s what we love about our foster families. They’re so great and they’re willing to take on these tough cases and try to help these animals get them back to a place where they’re healthy and happy and that they can stay in a home,” said Carl Arky, Humane Society of Utah.
The Humane Society warns that a situation like this won’t always end this way. If you pick up a pet and it has to go to animal control, you may face medical bills.