

Critical fire conditions across much of Utah

and last updated

SALT LAKE CITY -- Fire officials are warning about "critical fire conditions" this week as hot temperatures and strong winds dry out grasses this week and increase the danger for wildland fires.

The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning for much of the state beginning Tuesday and extending through Thursday.

"I've been kind of thinking about this upcoming week as being in a blow dryer," said Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman Teresa Rigby. "We're going to have some high winds, very low humidities in many parts of the state."

By this time last year, a series of catastrophic fires were burning across the state. Firefighters are pleading with people to do their part to avoid a similar situation this year. There are already campfire, target shooting and fireworks restrictions in certain spots.

Rigby said people can take steps to prepare now, to help stop a wildfire from starting.

"It's about being vigilant, really," she said.

More information on how to guard against wildfires and what restrictions are in place can be found here.