SALT LAKE CITY – New information has come forward that may shed some light on the suspension of a Brigham Young University linebacker.
Fox 13 News requested and received information from University of Utah officials regarding an email they received from an alleged Ute Fan. That email included a photo the fan claims shows Hadley partying in a Las Vegas nightclub.
Kate Chairpar, assistant athletics director of compliance at the University of Utah, said in an email to FOX 13 News “…our compliance director immediately forwarded the emails to BYU out of professional courtesy.”
FOX 13 News has received the photo in question, but has chosen not to publish it for privacy reasons and because the legitimacy of the photo could not be verified.
Chairpar said the university only released the emails and photo to media outlets in compliance with the law after receiving an open records request.
Hadley was suspended from the BYU Football team Tuesday because of an honor code violation. The BYU honor code forbids the use of alcohol, drugs or having premarital sex, among other things.
Hadley will still be allowed to attend BYU and can return to the team after a 5-game suspension.