

911 call mishap takes another man’s life, family says


SALT LAKE CITY -- Two men died last month because of mishaps with the handling of their 911 calls for help, said Jim Winder, Sheriff for Salt Lake County.

On Jan. 22 Randy Palmer walked into a Henderson Parts store in Midvale. While he was in the store, Palmer collapsed from an apparent heart attack.

An employee called 911 and waited for paramedics to show up.

It took about a half an hour for paramedics to arrive because of a mix up with the location.

It’s a mistake that could have been avoided, Winder said.

Palmer died shortly after arriving at the hospital. The family says doctors told them that if help would have gotten there sooner Palmer would still be alive.

Watch the full report by Kiersten Nunez above.

Related story: Confusion over 911 call cost life of Draper man, family says