

Researchers discover cues that indicate a person is about to quit


LOGAN, Utah -- Researchers at Utah State University said they've developed a way to tell when an employee is about to quit a job.

Tim Gardner, Utah State University, said he was interested in the issue but had to do his own study once he realized the data wasn't already available.

"But every time I looked into this, there was no empirical study, no data, uh nothing to validate that these were actual predictors of people quitting their jobs," he said.

Gardner and two other researchers surveyed hundreds of managers and got a list of quitting cues. They then ran that list by managers and used statistical data to narrow the list down--and took other measures to solidify their findings.

The study found disengagement to be a major cue, which can manifest as things like a lack of interest, less enthusiasm for work, being more reserved or quiet than usual or displaying less interest in helping customers.

Gardner said they can predict with 72 percent accuracy who will stay and who will quit, based on the cues described in the study.

Check out the video above for more details about the study.