

Is nap time overrated?


SALT LAKE CITY -- Monday was "National Nap Day."

The unofficial holiday dates back to 1999 with origins at Boston University. Each year the "holiday" falls on the first Monday following the spring Daylight Saving adjustment.

Is a good nap needed on "National Nap Day" or any other day?

"Most people, they seem to function best if they can get a solid block of sleep at night and then not necessarily need to nap, or avoid napping during the day," said Dr. David Walker of the Intermountain Sleep Disorders Center at LDS Hospital.

Walker added that each individual is different, and most people could benefit from the occasional nap.

He said naps are most successful if they're kept to 30 minutes or less, and take place before 3 p.m. in the afternoon.

"If people nap too long during the day they have trouble falling asleep at night,” Walker said.

Bad sleep patterns can turn into serious sleep disorders, resulting in chronic health problems. Several studies also indicate connections between sleep disorders, depression and weight gain.