

Sugar House residents speak out against proposed zoning changes


SUGAR HOUSE -- There's no denying Sugar House is one of Salt Lake City's most desirable neighborhoods.

Recent years have seen increased property values and the development of more business, office and residential spaces.

But the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City says there's room for more -- particularly along the streetcar line.

"It's really about creating more live-able communities," said D.J. Baxter, executive director with the Redevelopment Agency. "In order to improve our air quality to create more walkable neighborhoods, to create more attractive places to live, individual parcel by parcel decisions are required."

And no "parcel" is being scrutinized more heavily than the current open space at 900 East and Simpson Avenue next to the Boys and Girls Club.

Proposed zoning ordinance changes, if approved, would allow the construction of up to a 45-foot-tall building on the site. Its neighbors to the south, existing single story brick bungalows.

Other changes could allow for buildings up to 105 feet tall at the intersection of 700 East and 2100 South. A map detailing proposed zoning changes can be viewed at

The city council did not vote on the proposed changes during their meeting on Tuesday night. They will take more public hearing on the issue before voting, at a future city council meeting.