

‘Declutter Day’ allows public to shred, recycle, donate

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SALT LAKE CITY -- Document shredding and electronics recycling is available Friday at the University of Utah.

The Utah Department of Commerce is hosting “Declutter Day,” a free event for the public that is taking place at 500 S 1550 E on Guardsman Way. The area is known as the Utes tailgate parking lot.

Declutter Day is meant to help the public protect their consumer information and de-clutter their environment in one stop.

The public will be able to shred documents containing personal information, recycle old computers and electronics and there’s an opportunity to donate used clothing to charity.

The event runs until 6 p.m. For more information visit

Types of documents that can be shredded are:

-Tax records older than seven years

-Bank statements

-Pay stubs

-Credit card statements

-401K/IRA statements