SALT LAKE CITY — Univeristy of Utah president, David W. Pershing, released a statement regarding the possible changes to the U fight song.
In an effort to be more inclusive, theAssociated Students of the University of Utahunanimously approved a resolution drafted by ASUU President Sam Ortiz that would make changes to the fight song, “Utah Man.”
Pershing released the following statement:
Over the past few weeks our elected student leaders have facilitated a thoughtful and often lively debate about the University’s fight song. They have weighed principles of diversity and inclusivity alongside appreciation for the importance of traditions and have concluded that it is time to consider a modest update in the lyrics. Based on the extensive input (including hundreds of emails) that we have already received on this issue, I am well aware of, and committed to, the importance of both tradition and inclusion in this conversation.
I have asked a committee under the direction of the Office of Student Affairs to consider alternatives for possible updated lyrics, with input from students, faculty, staff, alumni and fans. This group will make their recommendations to the administrative leadership by the end of June. Additional comments and suggestions can be emailed until May 31to
We appreciate that the U’s students, dedicated alumni and friends all have strong feelings on this issue. We are seeking a solution that respects the variety of views across our university community. The history of our fight song, and other cherished customs, has many chapters. I hope this one will be remembered for cooperation and courtesy.