

Residents say WVC neighborhood being targeted by thieves


WEST VALLEY CITY -- A neighborhood in West Valley City has been the target of several break-ins over the past month.

Residents said it appears to be the same thieves every time, but so far no arrests have been made.

The neighborhood, Diamond Summit, falls between three police jurisdictions: West Valley, West Jordan and Unified. According to the neighborhood watch program, residents are being careless and leaving their garage doors open, and the thieves are walking right in and stealing from them. They said there have also been a few car break-ins.

The stolen items vary from air compressors, to power tools to electronics. Paula Conklin had two generators stolen from her trailer, which was parked in the driveway. The thieves cut right through the padlock. Combined the generators are worth about $1,300.

"I think it's atrocious, it's a relatively new neighborhood, people who work here have worked very hard for what they have, they have nice things, and for people to come along and just take things just isn't right," Conklin said.

Neighborhood watch has surveillance video from two of the crimes, and they said in both instances a '70s cream colored Ford truck was spotted. There are also reports of that truck being seen around the neighborhood on other occasions, but so far no one has been able to get a good description of the driver.

West Valley Police Department officials have stepped up patrols in the area. Neighborhood watch said residents also have to do their part by locking doors and keeping their garage doors closed, no matter what time of day.

"Crime of opportunity, people looking for open garages, looking for a quick grab, anything they can grab real fast and then get into a vehicle and off they go with it," said Kelly Layton, of the neighborhood watch.