

Experts offer workout tips as part of My Heart Challenge


SALT LAKE CITY – FOX 13 News and Intermountain Medical Center’s Heart Institute have teamed up for the My Heart Challenge, and 15 local firefighters accepted the 100-day challenge.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the challenge, click here for details.

Sharee Rosqvist is a firefighter and paramedic who has been with the West Jordan Fire Department for 13 years. She is among those who volunteered for the challenge, and she said it has helped her and her crew eat healthier and exercise more regularly.

"They helped to kind of set up a program that helps you to take the small steps and focus on yourself instead of on everybody else and what everybody is doing,” she said. “Even though it's a competition between everybody, I think everbody is focusing on how they've improved themselves and how they've changed their lives."

Officials with IMC have been streaming lessons about exercise online, and this week’s webcast focused on building an exercise program.

"We want this information to be easily accessible, so we want them to be able to watch a 30-minute segment and know how to progress their exercise when they get home,” said Exercise Physiologist Meagan Kline.

Kline said it is important for people for people to find an exercise program that will help them get healthy without burning them out. She said it can be helpful to involve others in your goals.

“Get a buddy,” Kline said. “So anyone who has someone that they're kind of accountable to whether it's an exercise trainer or a friend, you're more likely to meet that person at the corner to walk than go by yourself."

Click here to learn more about the My Heart Challenge.