

Group repairs damage to disabled Air Force veteran’s home free of charge


LAYTON, Utah -- Crews from Action Plumbing are finishing up more than two weeks of repairs at the Layton home of retired, disabled Air Force Veteran Patricia Israel. At the heart of the problem is black mold and major electrical problems, including wires that were beginning to burn.

“It was a surprise that it had not already started a fire, it was well into the stages that would have ignited the wire,” Israel said.

Israel knew it was bad when her granddaughter couldn't even turn on her night light without shorting out power in other areas of the house.

“There’s nothing like realizing that you have been living in a literal death trap for who knows how long,” Israel said.

Israel’s family even had to invest in a fire extinguisher specifically for electrical fires. Israel is proud to show off her military honors, but it's tough for her to accept that she does not have the $27,000 needed to make the necessary repairs. However, that’s when Operation Homefront stepped in, a non-profit government organization dedicated to assisting veterans and returning wounded warriors with expensive home repairs.

“When I found out they were going to do this humungous job for me, it was a miracle, and I consider it that,” Israel said.

The men responsible for making this home safe again say it goes beyond just another job.

“I’m proud to be out there helping our veterans out in the field and when they come home they deserve the best,” said John Diaz of Action Plumbing.

As for Israel's granddaughters, they will sleep better at night, for more than one reason.

“When I told her that we were going to get the house fixed she jumped on my lap and said, 'thank you granny, now I can use my night light,'” Israel said.

For more information on Operation Homefront, call 800-722-6098.