

Holy War: BYU – Utah voted 1 of top college football rivalries

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SALT LAKE CITY – Utah’s “Holy War” has been voted one of the top 2014 college football rivalries in the country, according to

The BYU – Utah rivalry comes in at No. 12 of the 14 most vicious gridiron battles.

According to’s report, the religious “overtones” give the event its name and are the basis for much of the animosity.

The teams aren’t scheduled to meet this season or in 2015 but they do have games on the books in 2016 – 2018.

That means the schools won’t meet for the first time since 1945.

Top College Football Rivalries of 2014:

14. Minnesota – Wisconsin
13. UCLA – USC
12. BYU – Utah
11. Oregon – Oregon State
10. California – Stanford
9. Clemson – South Carolina
8. Florida – Georgia
7. Florida State – Miami
6. Notre Dame – USC
5. Florida – Florida State
4. Army – Navy
3. Oklahoma – Texas
2. Michigan – Ohio State
1. Alabama – Auburn

MORE: See the full list of college rivalries on