

Register: How-to guide for qualified Utah residents to get cannabis oil cards

and last updated

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Department of Health is now issuing hemp oil registration cards to those who qualify.

Officials said they are meant for Utah residents who are being treated for intractable epilepsy.

However, there is more to it than just picking up the card.

To apply, patients will have to get a neurologist certification, submit medical records, show proof of identity and residency and pay a $400 application fee.

Register: Qualify? Click here to apply for your hemp extract card

More: Click here for more info on registering and to find out if you qualify

Submit completed applications in person:
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
288 North 1460 West
Salt Lake City, UT

Submit completed applications by mail:
Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Att: Hemp Extract Registry
PO Box 141012
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1012

Questions can be submitted to, or by phone at (801) 538-9326.