

Reaction to Utah’s plan to go to SCOTUS on same-sex marriage

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The Sutherland Institute:

Sutherland Institute is happy the Attorney General has decided to take the marriage case directly to the Supreme Court. This gives the state of Utah an opportunity to protect the ability of people in every state to decide for themselves to defend marriage as society’s way to encourage a married mother and father for every child.

Charles Stormont, Democratic candidate for Utah Attorney General:

“The continued defense of Amendment 3 is an incredible waste of taxpayer resources. Contrary to what Mr. Reyes and Mr. Herbert have said, the Attorney General does not have a duty to blindly defend clearly unconstitutional laws. The Attorney General is supposed to be a legal advisor.  Given the rulings in every court that has looked at this issue since Windsor, there is little to no chance this expensive appeal will succeed.”

“We should stop wasting our tax dollars trying to break up families and start investing resources to protect children. If Mr. Reyes and Mr. Herbert want finality and certainty, there is a simple way: end this appeal.”

The Utah Pride Center:

Since Windsor, courts across the country have unanimously ruled that laws like Amendment 3 discriminate against LGBTQ couples and families. Going directly to the Supreme Court does expedite the process of moving toward equality, but in the face of overwhelming judicial decisions in favor of same-sex marriage, it is another slap in the face to LGBTQ families. There is no reason to pursue this to the Supreme Court when Governors around the country have chosen to take high-road and accept the decisions of the lower courts.

Equality Utah:

The Supreme Court may or may not take up this case. In the meantime loving committed couples, their families, and their children remain in limbo. Governor Herbert has the power to give resolution to this matter today by doing what other republican governors are doing all across the nation – don’t appeal the decision and let the marriages stand.

 It’s regrettable that on the one hand Governor Herbert wants Utah to be a destination for economic growth, and at the same time he is choosing to send the message to the world that Utah is a hostile place for anyone that doesn’t fit a very narrow mold of what it means to be a family.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights:

“We want this case to move forward to a final resolution as quickly as possible. Every day, loving and committed same-sex couples and their families in Utah are being harmed by the continued enforcement of measures that deny them equal dignity, security and protection—even though both the federal district court and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals have held they violate fundamental constitutional guarantees.  We look forward to the day every family in Utah has the freedom to marry, and we will work hard to make that happen as soon as possible.”

Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City:

While I am not surprised by the decision, I am disappointed. This is not a case where Utah should lead the way. Leading the way in discrimination is a bad tag for our state. 

I fear that by bringing this case, after 22 straight judicial losses, Utah will be sending avery bad message. It will also coats Utah taxpayers millions. 

I am not sure that the explanation by Governor Herbert and the Attorney General Reyes that they are just ‘doing our duty’ will fly. So many GOP Governors and AG’s have said, ‘This is wrong. We will not go there’.

The Governor and Attorney General are risking their legacy. They may well be remembered for generations as the last stand of LGBT discrimination–and they may bring the state’s reputation with them.

In the 1960’s Gov George Wallace kept saying, this has nothing to do with segregation–it’s about states rights. Yea. Turns out, it was about segregation! And this is about animus toward LGBT people.