SALT LAKE CITY -- Water levels at the Great Salt Lake are lower than they've been in recent memory.
On a good year the water surrounds the causeway on both sides, but this year drivers see miles and miles of exposed lake bed.
“I think a lot of that has to do with, we started off behind the eight ball. We didn't get a lot of water last fall because most of our reservoirs were way down and we had to hold most of the water to fill those reservoirs so we didn't get any of that here at the Great Salt Lake,” said Park Manager Jeremy Shaw.
The lake is so flat that when it loses a vertical foot of water it can expose a half mile a beach.
And by the end of summer the experts predict the lake will recede at least another foot.
“The big impact is probably our marines, when we get low this early in the year, we have to have boats start pulling out and that's unfortunate because we just can't navigate in and out of the marinas anymore,” Shaw said.
Boaters are warned to launch at their own risk.