

Animal advocates celebrate National Mutt Day


SALT LAKE CITY – Animal lovers are celebrating National Mutt Day across the country Thursday, and local animal advocates say one way to mark the occasion is to adopt an animal.

Colleen Paige, a celebrity animal welfare activist, came up with the idea for National Mutt Day about 10 years ago as a way to raise awareness about saving mixed-breed dogs, which many people call mutts.

Carl Arky, communication director for Humane Society of Utah, said people should be aware of the needs of animals every day, not just on days like this.

“We oughta make it mixed breed day every day, and have people come in here and take advantage of these great animals, who just need a second chance, deserve a second chance,” he said.

Arky said even if you can’t adopt an animal you can help by volunteering to walk a dog or by donating food or cash to local animal shelters.