

This ultimate fashion accessory could prevent date rape, sexual assault

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RALEIGH, N.C. – If the ultimate accessory is both fashionable and functional, this new nail polish might take the cake.

The polish, developed by North Carolina State engineering students, may actually prevent date rape.

“Undercover Colors,” a chemistry startup run by four undergrads, created the paint to change color when it comes in contact with potential date rape drugs.

WGHP reported a recent Washington Post analysis showed more than 3,900 allegations of forcible sex offenses on college campuses nationwide in 2012, a statistic that rose 50 percent in three years.

Fourteen such offenses were reported at N.C. State between 2010 and 2012.

During that same time period, 30 were alleged at Duke University and 52 at UNC-Chapel Hill.

“We are early in the R&D stage for this important product,” Tyler Confrey-Maloney told WGHP, spokesperson for Undercover Colors, declining to provide further comment.

More: Get the details from WGHP here