

Drill gives teens graphic reality check on dangers of texting & driving

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Editor’s Note: Video shows a drill, not an actual car accident. 

ROY, Utah - Students at Roy High School got a reality check when some of their peers got involved in a drill that vividly demonstrates the dangers of texting and driving.

Roy students packed the football stadium to watch their classmates demonstrate how serious the real-life situation could actually be.

It started with a 911 call from a teen reporting she was in a car accident; a mini van and a car, both packed with students, collided head-on.

Then, as would be the case in real life, Roy Police and first responders arrived and worked to get everyone safely out of the vehicles.

In this mock-crash, one teen died, three people were critically injured and one of the teens was airlifted to the hospital.

The driver of the car was ejected and didn't survive in this scenario. 

"I'm hoping that by them seeing me with the body sheet over me and seeing an actual dead person in the event of the driving and texting crash, I'm hoping I can get through to them," student actor Marcus Gormen said.

Another image actors said they hope sticks with the students is a mother's reaction when sees her dead child.

"This could really happen," Roy Fire Chief Jason Poulsen said. "We can kill one of our classmates and not only is it going to affect our classmates and our school but the community and the family as well."

Drill organizers said they wanted to reach 16 and 17-year-old students in hopes they will think twice before texting behind the wheel.