

Former Snow College student pleads guilty to attempt of terroristic threat


MANTI, Utah — A former Snow College student pleaded guilty last week to attempt of terroristic threat made to the school in September.

Zachary Baird, 19, made a threat on a website right before Homecoming events, a police investigation revealed in October.

The threat appeared on the Snow College Confessions Facebook page. Ephraim County prosecutor Kevin Daniels said the page is not affiliated with the school.

A portion of the post read, “Let’s just say homecoming this weekend is gonna go out with a bang.”

Information from subpoena for Internet records led investigators to Baird.

Baird pleaded guilty on Dec. 10 on the charge of attempted threat of terrorism, a class A misdemeanor.

According to court documents attorneys are working on making arrangements for the teen to serve jail time in Kane County.

Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 21.