

Letter sent home to parents criticizes girl’s lunch


By Laura McCallister

Kirksville, MO (KCTV) — A Missouri school district is apologizing for a letter sent home to a couple, questioning the lunch their young daughter brought to school.

A substitute teacher sent the letter home, which said the cafeteria staff thought the lunch wasn’t suitable.

The letter reads that the student’s “lunch today included four chocolate bars, a bag of marshmallows, Ritz crackers and a pickle. Please see that she packs a proper lunch tomorrow.”

But the little girl’s father says the letter was incorrect.

“Unfortunately, the letter didn’t have what she had correctly. She had four pieces of ham, a whole protein meat, she also had some pickles, which we admittedly cheat on pickles every once in a while as a vegetable – some fights just aren’t worth having. Then she had four marshmallows in a Ziploc bag, and then she had three very small pieces of chocolate, of which she ate one for lunch and then she also gave her brother and another friend one at an after school program,” Justin Puckett said.

The Kirksville, MO, superintendent apologized to the student’s family and said it won’t happen again.