LOS ANGELES – A man who was reportedly mocked in an online post by people who thought he was too fat to be dancing was made the subject of a viral internet search after a group of body-positive woman decided they wanted to spread love rather than hate—and now hundreds of women are reportedly throwing the man a dance party in California.
Things started when someone posted two pictures of the man on 4Chan with the caption, “Spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week. He stopped when he saw us laughing.”
That post was uploaded to Imgur by user FrozenBadger, who wrote “I find this behavior [expletive] despicable.”
The poster urged the man to keep on dancing, and many who commented on the thread shared that positive outlook.
The Imgur post led Twitter user Cassandra Rules to start searching for the man using the hashtag #FindDancingMan. She tweeted that “a huge group of ladies in LA” wanted to do something special for the man and later tweeted out an invitation to a dance party.
Another Twitter user posted a photo of the man, who later set up a Twitter account and replied to Cassandra, accepting the invitation to dance.
The man is reportedly named Sean and lives in the United Kingdom, according to the Huffington Post. A GoFundMe page was set up to help the man travel to LA for the dance party, and within a day more than $30,000 had been raised. The page creator said leftover funds would be donated to an anti-bullying campaign.