

Leprechauns in SLC downtown bars have a message for you: ‘A little drunk, a lot arrested’


SALT LAKE CITY - Bars across the Wasatch Front are adopting the Utah Highway Patrol's anti-DUI slogan "A Little Drunk, A Lot Arrested" for St. Patrick's Day.

"Individuals can put heads in, slide the little beard on, and actually begin to talk as if they were a leprechaun, and hopefully all the messages that they share are all about drunk driving," said Steve Wright, from R&R Partners.

Lumpy's Downtown, the Green Pig and Piper Down are putting the life-size 3-D leprechaun puppets in their establishments.

"The message is, we're not trying to get people to stop going out and drinking but we are trying to get them to stop drinking and driving," said Trooper Lawrence Hopper from the Utah Highway Patrol.

Servers will also be wearing custom green T-shirts with the Utah Highway Patrol's slogan, "A Little Drunk, A Lot Arrested." Patrons visiting bars during St. Patrick's Day will be invited to take pictures and share them on their social media.

In addition to the in-bar messages, Utah law enforcement will be conducting DUI patrols throughout the state on St. Patrick’s Day, Tuesday through Wednesday. The Utah Highway Safety Office reminds drivers to leave their keys at home and designate a sober driver or take a cab if they're drinking on St. Patrick's Day.