

Davis County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse looking for more members


FARMINGTON, Utah -- The Davis County Sheriff's Mounted Posse has been around for 76 years. It may the oldest operating posse of its kind.

The group performs in parades and is sometimes called into action for search and rescue operations -- but right now the posse is searching for new members.

“My personal focus is to make this posse 80 years old, and if we don’t recruit some more members and keep it going it will be more difficult,” said Marilyn Thurgood, Mounted Posse Captain.

The Davis County Sheriff's Mounted Posse is made up of volunteers like Thurgood.

Posse members do not have to live in Davis County, but the drills and practices take place at the Legacy Events Center in Farmington every Thursday night.

Anyone interested in joining the posse can contact the Davis County Sheriff's Department at 801-451-4100.