

SLC firefighters shave heads for cancer awareness


SALT LAKE CITY -- Firefighters from all over Salt Lake valley came together Friday to shave their heads as a tribute to several Salt Lake City firefighters who are either battling cancer or are in remission.

According to a recent study, firefighters have the higher rates of cancer than the U.S. population as a whole.

Salt Lake Fire officials say the event is as much about awareness as it is to show support.

"Our job, already is inherently dangerous and just by nature of being firefighters, we are twice as likely as the general populace to get cancer period,” said Robert Raymond Silverthorne III with SLC Fire. “If I get the message out, then guys like this, instead of shaving their heads, can live long and have long careers in the fire department and be able to be around for their families.”

Several of the men and women had locks long enough to donate to special causes.

Firefighters say this was a great event to bond and show their support for one another.