

Residents come together to protect homes, clean up aftermath from flooding in Riverton


RIVERTON, Utah – Clean-up efforts were underway in Riverton Sunday after strong thunderstorms brought rain and hail to northern Utah Saturday night.

Plugged storm drains and torrential rain contributed to the flooding, but it could have been worse if not for neighbors helping neighbors.

Saturday night, there were whirlpools of water in the streets, cars pushing through roads completely underwater--and the rain kept falling.

"It came down so fast that we couldn’t even have our windshield wipers on high to see, we had to pull over and wait for it,” resident Terry Miller said.

Miller has a long line of sandbags to pick up, but he said his townhouse was saved from damage thanks to neighbors pitching-in.

"We all got together and did what we had to do to keep people’s houses from getting destroyed,” he said.

Nearby, Joe Walsh was sweeping out the last of the mud from his garage Sunday.

"We were lucky, we had some neighbors that helped me out,” he said. “We were able to divert the water to the side of my house and dig some trenches and able to save my basement.”

A big dumpster sits up the street from Walsh’s house, with piles of carpet littering the front lawn of a homeowner that wasn't as fortunate.

"All the mud and everything else from the park just filtered into their backyard and just blew out the windows in their basement and just flooded it with mud,” Walsh said of that home.

With a few puddles still filling low spots in the yard, cleanup continues Sunday.