WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- A North Carolina man is again facing child abuse charges after photos of the alleged abuse went viral on Facebook.
Kyle Christopher Fox is accused of beating Craig and Leigh Hollars' 2-year-old daughter in October 2013. However, the charges were dropped earlier this week because witnesses did not show up in court.
On Wednesday afternoon, Craig Hollars posted photos showing the alleged abuse on Facebook. His post has been shared over 60,000 times in 24 hours. In the post, Hollars explains he and his wife were devastated when charges were dropped earlier this week.
On Thursday, the Forsyth County District Attorney announced charges were being re-filed against Fox in connection with the alleged 2013 abuse.
A Kernersville family’s pictures revealing their daughter’s abuse went viral on Facebook this week. It was shared nearly 50,000 times in 24 hours.
The Hollars say they trusted their neighbor and friend to babysit their youngest child, a 2-year-old girl, back in 2013.
Leigh first realized something was wrong when a police officer called her asking about bruising on her daughter’s face.
“I get to Baptist Hospital and they tell me that they think that she's been beaten. I walk around the corner and my daughter is black and blue. From head to toe," Leigh Hollars said.
The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office investigated and said they had enough evidence and witnesses to proceed with charges in May 2014. The Hollars’ babysitter’s husband allegedly beat the little girl the bathroom of the Walkertown Hardee’s on Old Hollow Road.
Fox was charged with misdemeanor child abuse on May 9, 2014. He was arrested by the Winston-Salem Police Department on May 24, 2014. Since then, the case has been repeatedly continued in court.
Case dismissed
On Wednesday, the Hollars believed they were going to court for the last time. But when they arrived, they were told the charges against Fox were dropped.
The District Attorney’s Office said necessary witnesses for prosecution were not present to testify at trial.
Craig insisted, “I'm supposed to let the court system handle it and the court system failed. I could have done a better job myself. And I promise you he'd never have hurt another child again.”
Charges re-filed
While the Hollars took their frustration to Facebook, the District Attorney’s office was working to re-charge Fox. This time, he’s also facing a felony.
“Kyle C. Fox was re-charged today with one count of misdemeanor child abuse, as well as the additional charges of felony assault by strangulation and misdemeanor assault on a child under the age of 12,” the D.A. wrote in a press release.
A warrant was issued and the D.A. involved in the case said Fox has not turned himself in yet.
“I just don't want anyone else to have to go through this and I know on a daily basis it happens,” said Leigh. “People told us, ‘Oh, your daughter won’t remember any of this. She’s only 2 years old.’ But she still wakes up screaming and kicking from nightmares.”
Fox’s criminal history
In addition to the child abuse charges, Fox has four pending court dates in Forsyth County for charges including: disorderly conduct in a public building; possessing drug paraphernalia; driving while license revoked; assault with a deadly weapon; reckless driving; communicating threats; and multiple driving-related charges. He also has a criminal history of convictions in North Carolina including: DWI; felony possession of drugs; carrying a concealed weapon; breaking and entering; communicating threats; assault on female; larceny; and assault.