

Volunteers spruce up SLC garden that demonstrates water-wise approach

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SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Volunteers gathered at the Greater Avenues Conservation Demonstration Garden Sunday to encourage Salt Lake residents to plant more water-wise plants in their landscaping.

“How these gardens teach, is they show people what plants work well in low-water landscapes,” said Stephanie Duer with the Conservation Program.

The Greater Avenues Conservation Garden only uses natural water sources to irrigate their plants--which are native to the area.

“By living in Utah, it’s important to remember, you know, one--we live in a desert, right?” said volunteer Anaka Tovar. “And two, we had a national record low snowfall this winter, so that means we have less water to use.”

Volunteers with the World Mission Society Church of God spruced up the gardens in an effort to encourage people to plant more natural vegetation in their landscaping.

“It’s important to understand what kind of plants you can actually plant and will be sustained just by rain by itself,” said volunteer Kayleen McIff.

Duer said they teach people using a hands-on approach and cover all aspects of gardening.

“Every time we’re in the garden, there’s a learning opportunity,” she said. “So we talk about the plants, we talk about the value of these plants in the landscape, we talk about the insects and wildlife that benefit from these plants.”

Volunteers said learning about natural plant life showed them simple ways to save water.

“Because, a lot of people want beautiful gardens, but they don’t know which plants are native to the area,” said Tanner Powers, another volunteer.

Duer reminds residents they can still have beautiful gardens without using a lot of water.

“Using water wisely doesn’t mean we don’t use water,” she said. “It just means we use it with forethought, and awareness and that we are mindful to not waste it. And that’s always appropriate. There is never enough water to waste.”

The Water Conservation Garden in the Avenues regularly hosts events to help residents learn to conserve water in their gardens or landscaping. For more information, click here.

You can also learn more about water-wise plants here.