

Dog’s best friend: Man rescues stray pups, takes them on ride of their lives

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FORT WORTH, Texas– Dogs may be man’s best friend, but Eugene Bostick is dog’s best friend.

The 80-year-old and his brother care for rescue dogs in Fort Worth, Texas. If that isn’t wonderful enough, Eugene takes the pups for train rides.

According to BuzzFeed, the idea started after they began taking in and caring for the dogs who were at the end of their lives.

“One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, ‘Dang, that would do for a dog train.’ I’m a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together,” Eugene told The Dodo.

Photos of the dog train have gone viral, with one woman’s Facebook post shared over 40,000 times.

Eugene said the dogs get really excited about it. He will keep doing it for as long as he can.