

FOX 13 checks in with ‘Gardner Quad Squad’ 9 months after two sets of twins born

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PLEASANT GROVE, Utah -- Last December, Ashley and Tyson Gardner went from having no children to having four children with the birth of their quadruplets, and the birth came after the couple struggled with infertility for years.

Now, at nine months old, the “Gardner Quad Squad" is Utah's favorite set of quadruplets.

FOX 13 News has followed the infants from the moment their mother first saw her ultrasound and the shocked reaction went viral, to the baby shower tothe birth.

“So, in birth order, we have Indie here, and then Esme's over here," Ashley Gardner said. "And then Tyson has..."

"This is Scarlett here, and Evie here...I think, let's double check... yep," Tyson Gardner said with a laugh.

Tyson is not joking. Double checking is necessary because the quad squad is made up of two sets of identical twins.

"There's a trick with these two,” Ashley Gardner said. “Evie has got a little red dot over her left eye. So you can always tell those two apart that way. Indie and Esme, Indie is the smallest, she's smaller than everyone by two pounds."

With four beautiful children on their laps, you would never guess Ashley and Tyson struggled with fertility problems for eight difficult years before receiving the news she was finally pregnant with quadruplets.

To make matters more stressful, the babies were born 12 weeks premature.

"It wasn't an easy road for us,” Tyson Gardner said. “It's taken a lot of time and a lot of adjusting. But you look at them now and you wouldn't even know they were premature babies, I mean, they're chubby, they're healthy, they're happy, and the doctor says that they're doing great.”

After two months in the hospital, Esme, Evie, Indie, and Scarlett finally got to go home.

Ashley Gardner said managing four children isn’t as complicated as one might think.

"It's just like having one baby, you just repeat every step four times,” Ashley Gardner said.

But can we expect the squad to get some little brothers and sisters in the future? Because of medical complications, Ashley says it's unlikely, but she feels her family is finally complete.

"I think that four is a good number, and if something happens by the miracle of God, then I guess I’m meant to have more, but, as of now, four is great," she said.

Ashley added: "The four of them at the same time was the blessing I never knew I wanted. I never set out expecting to have quadruplets or even thinking that that was a possibility. And, you know, when it happened, I was scared, of course. And now that they're here, I couldn't imagine my life without any of them. They make our family complete."