

Presidential candidate Marco Rubio speaks at first rally in Utah

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SALT LAKE CITY -- Hoping to sway voters in the crowded Republican primary for President, Marco Rubio, the junior Senator from Florida made a stop in Salt Lake City.

"I'm conservative, I'm undecided on who my candidate is,” said Stephanie Gricius while waiting for Rubio to take the stage at the Utah Fairgrounds State Park.

Gricius is one of many undecided voters Rubio is hoping to reach in Utah.

"Our government is not just out of touch it’s outdated and we need policies that make us globally competitive now, in this new century,” Rubio said.

Many of the points he touched on to change what he called an outdated approach are familiar.

"We cannot be globally competitive if we do not fully utilize our oil and natural gas resources,” said Rubio to a cheering crowd of around 300 people. “One more thing we have to do to be competitive, we must repeal and replace Obamacare.”

Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants. Much of his speech focused on their own struggles to achieve the American dream.

The senator spoke of his mom working in a factory assembling metal chairs and his father working as a bartender. He said his parents achieved the American dream through hard work and encouraging their kids to get an education.

But, Rubio said the system is broken, hampering students with debt and no jobs.

“When I'm president, before a student takes out a student loan, they are going to be told how much they make when people graduate from that school with that degree," he said.

The speech hit the mark for some.

"He has a great plan for America and I'm looking forward to voting for him in March,” said Kraig Thorne after the rally. "Marco's message rings really very wonderful and true to what my values are," said Lisa Bingham.

For at least one undecided voter, it seemed to be enough.

"I think he has my support at this point,”Gricius said after the rally. “He really connected with the average American…and in order to make things better you have to start coming from a place of understanding and I think he's got that covered."

Gricius snapped a selfie with the candidate before he left the park.