SALT LAKE CITY -- U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch sat down with FOX 13 News’ Max Roth and Tamara Vaifanua for an interview on Live at 4, focused largely on the U.S. role in the rapidly changing war against ISIS.
"Right now we lack leadership," Hatch said, aiming his criticism at President Barack Obama.
"People don't believe in the United States anymore. They don't believe that we can lead," Hatch said.
Asked what victory against ISIS would look like, Hatch said it probably means some commitment of U.S. ground troops.
"Ultimately you're probably gonna have to put some boots on the ground," the senator said.
He goes on to say he understands Defense Secretary Ash Carter has come to the same conclusion.
If the U.S. doesn't increase its commitment, Hatch said the problem will linger.
"That's an area where there's gonna be a tremendous amount of conflict probably for the rest of our lives," Hatch said.