The Place


Go Red for Women: Stories from survivors

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Shama Dhanecha, Macy`s Store Manager at City Creek explained how Macy's helps raise money each year to benefit the American Heart Association. 1 in 3 women die from heart disease and stroke. Go Red for Women is a platform to raise awareness of warning signs and to encourage heart health.  You can support Go Red For Women by participating in National Wear Red Day® on Friday, February 5, 2016 and donating to help fund research during American Health Month.  Kasi Lund, Go Red For Women Business Development Director explained that her family history of heart disease and her father's death spurred her into action and made her want to get involved.  Stephanie Sabatka is a heart survivor and volunteer for the American Heart Association who is trying to get the word out after she recently suffered an unexpected heart attack.  Gaye Foster is a heart survivor who is on her 7th pace maker and spends her time volunteering for the American Heart Association.

To find out more gohere.