When a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is.
But when you see that brand new Louis Vuitton bag at a crazy price, it’s hard not to buy it. However, there’s hardly a worse feeling than when you’re showing off your new bag and your bestie says the words you always knew to be true, but didn’t want to believe: it’s fake.
Fake designer bags are nothing new, but knowing how to spot one can save you hundreds of dollars. Not to mention the fake ones are usually terrible quality.
Eye Opener’s Hilary Kennedy spoke with Cynthia Riley, the owner ofCloset Revival, to help us figure out what to look for in a fake bag.
Cynthia says while there are many things that can give away a fake bag, dead giveaways are the color and quality of the bag. Cheaper bags will skimp on leather and have a brighter colored vinyl. The same goes for the metal hardware, which is generally brighter and not as sturdy as more expensive metals. Also, check inside the bag for the name patch and stitching — cheaper stitching isn’t as clean and will be visibly shoddy.
Article by Matthew Alson Thornbury