

Police: Man disguised face in pantyhose while trying to rob charitable event

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ROY, Utah -- It could be time for a new Bill and Ted movie, this one based on a true story.

A charity fundraiser at a Roy Elk's Lodge turned violent Wednesday night when a man, who said he had a gun, tried to rob the lodge before being tackled by two of the Elk members: Bill and Ted.

It happened at the Golden Spike Elk's Lodge around 9 p.m. The lodge was holding their regular Wednesday night fundraiser.

Roy police say the robber, 40-year-old Casey Tonks, was wearing pantyhose around his face when he entered the lodge.

"I was sitting here with my money tray, money was in all the slots," said Betty Johnson. "A fellow came in around the back of me and grabbed the tray and started out the door. I screamed."

Johnson has been in charge of the money at the lodge's Wednesday night charity fundraiser for the past 11 years. She never imagined she would need protection.

"It's still kind of a shock to me, it took me a while to get oriented," Johnson said.

Tonks was about to get away, when Bill and Ted sprang into action, just like in the movies.

"That's when I jumped off the stage, I was running like crazy because I thought Betty was hurt," said Ted Dominguez.

Bill was on the opposite side of the room, also ready to take the situation by the horns.

"I saw him and I jumped on him here, and we fell through the door and landed right there on the floor," Bill Christiansen said.

A wrestling match took place inside the doorway between 58-year-old Bill, 69-year-old Ted, and the 40-year-old robber. That's when things really got scary.

"He kept saying, 'I got a gun I got a gun,' and he did have his left hand and his arm trying to reach in his stomach," Dominguez said.

"I grabbed him and told him he wasn't going to get to it if he had one, I asked him again if he did, and he said no I don't," Christiansen said.

Once police arrived and pulled the pantyhose off the robber's face, the Elks realized he was one of their own.

"This person came a lot here, and it's very sad to think he had to rob an organization that we do charitable, charitable work," Johnson said.

Bill and Ted said they don't believe what they did was anything special, they were just following their instincts. The rest of the Elks said there is a word for that.

"To me they are absolutely heroes: I want to commend them, they did an outstanding job, because if it wasn't for them he would have gotten away," said Johnson.

Roy police said Tonks told them that he was having financial troubles, which is why he decided to rob the Elks Lodge. He had about $300 of Elk's Lodge money on him. He is facing both burglary and robbery charges.