Are you wondering what your significant other got you for Valentine’s Day?
Maybe some silk sheets or chocolates?
Now thanks to Google Trends and real estate company Estately, you can make a pretty good guess.
They have compiled the most-Googled Valentine’s Day gifts in each state.
The most popular search in Utah was for conversation hearts.
So if you’re hoping for something more, you better drop some very obvious hints… and soon.
Also high on Utah’s list were men’s rings, cubic zirconium, lingerie and couple’s games.
In comparison, Idaho’s most popular search was for Adam and Eve, and not the ones in the Bible, the online adult novelty store.
Nevada’s most searched topic was Frederick’s of Hollywood (a lingerie store), corsets, Boyz II Men, adult onesie and sexy costumes.
And Wyoming takes the cake for adult toys followed by flowers and mail-order bride.
