SALT LAKE CITY -- A new 3D film highlights America’s national parks as the National Park Service celebrates their 100th anniversary.
Utah’s parks play a special role in the movie, which you can now catch at the Clark Planetarium.
“This is our centennial year: the National Park Service was created by Congress August 25, 1916,” said Jim Ireland, Utah State Coordinator for NPS. “A hundred years of protecting and preserving the most incredible, special places in the United States.”
A new film by Greg MacGillivray is spotlighting the country's national parks in IMAX 3D. The film was shot in more than 30 wild lands across the nation, and Utah plays a special role.
For starters? It's narrated by Robert Redford.
“It’s no surprise...we've got the Mighty Five,” said Vicki Varela, director of tourism and film for Utah, referencing Utah’s national parks.
Ireland said the scenery in Utah is among the best there is.
“Utah has 13 national park units, and five of them are featured in this film, which just tells you, we have some of the most iconic, famous scenery in the United States right here in Utah,” he said.
In the past year, more than 11 million people have visited Utah’s parks, which is a 12 percent increase when compared to last year.
“I think part of what this film may do is help people recognize how fortunate we are to have these incredible landscapes and historic sites close to us,” said David Nimkin, senior regional director for the National Parks Conservation Association.
Jin Prugsawan, a park ranger at Zion National Park in southern Utah, spoke about the film.
“This film features people who are going to be hiking and climbing, some things that people maybe don’t do in their everyday lives, but can experience through the film,” Prugsawan said.
The film follows world-class mountaineer Conrad Anker, adventure photographer Max Lowe and artist Rachel Pohl as they take an off-trail adventure into America’s outdoors.
But, beyond the beauty, there's an even bigger takeaway.
“Part of that message with the centennial is that these are places that are very fragile,” Nimkin said. “They require a continued diligence and discipline to protect them.”
It’s an inspiring message that filmmakers and national parks advocates hope to spread for years to come.
The family-friendly film has a runtime of less than an hour and is showing at Clark Planetaruim. To view the trailer and ticketing details, click here.