OREGON – The devil, hundreds of billions of dollars, and an alleged conspiracy among law professors and lawyers are all targets in a court document filed by Oregon protester and Kanab resident Shawna Cox.
Cox, who was arrested in January and is among those indicted on a charge of conspiracy relating to the standoff at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, wrote the document herself and filed it with the federal court in Oregon.
She alleges she is a victim of efforts from “…law colleges, State and Federal Bar Associations to attack our constitutional form of government and subversively, secretly force socialism, communism, and imperialism types of government onto the people of the United States of America.”
In the end, Cox asks for damages stemming, in her words: “from the works of the devil in excess of $666,666,666,666.66.”
The court quickly responded, stating the document appears to be a civil-type complaint, so they won't consider it in Cox's criminal trial.