Fox 13 News' Kerri Cronk gets caught packing up to go home for the weekend during Max Roth's Live at Noon show on Friday, Feb. 26th.
She's seen packing her bags, including her boots behind Max while he's reading political news.
Meteorologist Allison Croghan saw it happen and you can see Kerri's look of shock when she discovers she's been on camera the whole time.
While tossing to weather Max and Allison turn it into a talking point with Max asking Allison if Kerri is still getting ready behind him and they all had a good laugh before Kerri waved goodbye.
This wasn't the first candid moment we've caught on camera.
- There was the time Ben Winslow did the happy dance while in the background of a newscast, click here for the video.
- Kerri and Dan were left in the dark during a newscast.
- Click here for footage of the time a bat chased folks around the newsroom.
- Click here for Kiersten Nuñez having moments of panic when confronted by fish.
- Click here for Annie Cutler's groovy method of staying warm during winter live shots.
- And last, but not least, check out our assignment editor who got caught jamming out to 'Wham!' during GDU's Song of the Day.