The Place


Why simplifying your life could be the answer to getting rid of anxiety

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Therapist Kathy Parker shares thoughts on not  only dealing with anxiety, but why it's so prevalent today.

1. How do you know if anxiety is a problem?
• You can identify anxiety by feeling nervous, having tight muscles, racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping and a change in appetite.
2. Why is anxiety so prevalent?
• Our culture is fast paced
3. How can simplifying reduce anxiety?
• Simplify relationships - are they beneficial to both parties?
• Simplify screen time - be mindful of the time you spend in front of a screen and try to cut it down
• Simplify free time - schedule your "tasks" out at the beginning of every month so you don't feel overwhelmed
• Simplify possessions - clean out your closet and throw things out that are just wasting space

For more great ideas from Kathy, go here.